texto / imagem / semântica / expressão
retórica verbal-visual e audio-visual
composição / estuturação temporal

“…if the present debate is about creating a body of work that is meaningful to people in general, that plays a part in the development of a stimulating visual culture, then it must involve understanding how our culture functions, how it is shaped, and how it shapes our perceptions of ourselves. It means addressing people’s need for a culture in which they can participate actively, for which they can help shape the agenda. It will inevitably involve an analysis of what prevents us from building such a culture.”
Andrew Howard, There is such a thing as society* (1994).
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identidade e expressão tipográfica
espaço, estrutura, sequência, contraste, forma e contraforma

A manifesto is a text with political consequences; it seizes power, but cannot be about power alone. One reason is that a manifesto’s writers have usually not yet acquired much power; another reason is that as a carrier of peaceful political violence, a manifesto depends as much on poetry and song as it depends on argument. Formal issues are integral to the aesthetic event that is a manifesto. Because the manifesto’s aim is to interrupt, not to affirm, its mode of speech must differ from common speech, to the extent that it allows for new words, new terms and analogies, to render the established ones obsolete.
Metahaven, “Before A Manifesto” (2008)
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— DCIV Programa

O programa parte de visões contemporâneas do design, revendo o caminho do modernismo ao pós-modernismo. A nível cultural e conceptual centra-se na ruptura com princípios de design rígidos e na expansão da prática do design de comunicação. Do ponto de vista operativo foca-se na articulação semântica e expressiva do texto e imagem, bem como na estruturação de objetos e projetos de comunicação (sua linguagem, identidade) e definição de uma estratégia de comunicação. Explora-se a complementaridade de meios de produção e de suportes de comunicação (impressos, digitais e online).
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conceito, desenvolvimento, representação

Partindo da leitura e ideias expostas no texto de Umberto Eco os alunos devem definir e organizar uma lista de itens (coisas, conceitos, objectos, etc.) cuja reunião deve ser legitimada por um conceito agregador/fio condutor. O mote que liga os diferentes itens enquanto lista ou conjunto com sentido e com uma ordem definida deverá encontrar o seu fundamento em obra(s) artística(s), literária(s), musical(ais), cinematográfica(s), a referenciar. A lista resultante deverá constituir um universo conceptual coerente e deve fazer jus aos critérios do grupo, permitindo afirmar um universo, visão e linguagem própria. Estes aspectos serão devidamente fundamentados numa metodologia de pesquisa, recolha, selecção ou produção e agrega­ção dos elementos (acompanhada pelas docentes).


jornal, revista
objecto, forma, conteúdo, estrutura, grelha, layout, linguagem, identidade

[The style of] Swiss designers as Theo Ballmer,  Max Bill, Adrian Frutiger, Karl Gerstner, Armin Hoffman, Ernst Keller, Herbert Matter, Josef  Müller-Brockmann, and Jan Tschichold […] received worldwide admiration for its formal discipline: images and text were organized by geometrical grids. Adopted internationally, the grid and sans serif typefaces such as Helvetica became the classic emblems of Swiss graphic design. […] [With] design work across a range of media, including posters, magazines, exhibition displays, brochures, advertisements, books, and film, […] the Swiss designers’ modernist elements remain an indispensable part of today’s graphic language.
Hollis, Richard. 2006. Swiss Graphic Design: The Origins and Growth of an International Style, 1920-1965. London: Lawrence King Publishers.

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princípios e confrontos
(clareza, transparência, universalidade, ordem, modularidade, integralidade)

CLAREZA (Tschichold 1928)
the essence of the New Typography is clarity.
a good speaking voice is one that is inaudible as a voice. It is the transparent goblet again!
a more universal visual medium to bridge the gap between [different languages] must eventually evolve.
ORDEM (Ruder 1959)
Exacting artistic postulates or creations are no longer involved; the endeavour is simply to find a formally and functionally satisfactory answer to daily requirements.
MODULARIDADE (Froshaug 1967)
to mention both typographic, and, in the same breath/sentence, grids, is strictly tautologous.
INTEGRALIDADE (Gerstner1959-1963)
a unity between language and type, between content and form.[…] the result of integral typography is a ‘new unity’.

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experimentação tipográfica > sonora, visual, concreta, cinética
composição > estruturação temporal

To make a dadaist poem
Take a newspaper.
Take some scissors.
Choose from this paper an article of the length you want to make your poem.
Cut out the article.
Next carefully cut out each of the words that make up this article and put them all in a bag.
Shake Gently.
Next, take out each cutting one after the other.
Copy conscientiously in the order in which they left the bag.
The poem will resemble you.
And there you are — an infinitely original author of charming sensibility, even though unappreciated by the vulgar herd.

Tristan Tzara. Dada Manifesto on Feeble Love and Bitter Love, ca. 1920

“With regard to typography one can establish innumerable laws. The principal one would be: never do what someone else before you has done. […] Typography, under certain conditions, can be an art”
Kurt Schwitters. Theses on Typography, in Merz, 1924
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— DCIII Programa

Assim como a oratória, a música, a dança, a caligrafia — como tudo que empresta sua graça à linguagem —, a tipografia é uma arte que pode ser deliberadamente mal utilizada. É um ofício por meio do qual os significados de um texto (ou sua ausência de significado) podem ser clarificados, honrados e compartilhados, ou conscientemente disfarçados.
Bringhurst, Robert. Elementos do estilo tipográfico. (1992) 2005.

The substance of typography lies not in the alphabet per se —the generic forms of characters and their conventionalized uses— but rather in the visual framework and specific graphic forms which materialize the system of writing. Design and typography work at the edges of writing, determining the shape and style of letters, the spaces between them, and their positions on the page. […] Spacing, framing, punctuation, type style, layout, and other nonphonetic marks of difference constitute the material interface of writing.
Lupton & Miller. Deconstruction and Graphic Design, 1999. Continue reading “— DCIII Programa”

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